22nd Jun 2022

Changes to Windscreen Repair Industry Code of Practice (BS AU 242b:2022) Final Instalment

Changes to Windscreen Repair Industry Code of Practice (BS AU 242b:2022)

Following on from our last two instalments, this is the final instalment to let you know about the changes to the Windscreen Repair Industry Code of Practice (BS AU 242b:2002). This email sets out the changes to companies’ record keeping and training requirements that the Code of Practice has introduced.

Record keeping

For each repair, the following information should be recorded by the technicians/ repair organisation

  1. the invoice number;
  2. the date of repair;
  3. the date of invoice if different from the date of repair;
  4. the name and address of the repair organisation;
  5. the identification of repairer;
  6. the name and address of the customer;
  7. the registration number, make and model of vehicle;
  8. details of work carried out;
  9. the type and location of damage (see Annex B of BS AU 242b);
  10. resin batch number and use-by date;
  11. statement of conformity with this British Standard, i.e. BS AU 242b; and
  12. confirmation of repair completion from client (e.g. signature).

Training and Competency

The new code of Practice specifies that competency is achieved by:

Auditable and verifiable current abilities evidenced by:

  1. successful completion of assessed outcomes of knowledge and performance; and
  2. externally quality assured by an independent third-party body, e.g., awarding body or recognised industry body,

within the last five years, with CPD to include the updated recommendations of BS AU 242b:2022.

Please contact us for any further assistance with any of the issues raised in the new Code of Practice.

We hope this information has been useful for you. Esprit are always striving for the best outcomes with their repair equipment. You can be confident in your Esprit repair equipment as although the performance based aspect of the British Standard has now been dropped, Esprit equipment has always passed the rigorous tests set out in the previous British Standard; the only UK windscreen repair equipment that has done so.